
Showing posts from September, 2017

Queen Elizabeth I

The play 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' was written by William Shakespeare in 1594. From the theme and context of the play, I can conclude that it was probably written for a wedding. It would be similar to the epithalamion written at weddings at this time, but a more elaborate version. Many of the lines rhyme and it all has the feel of poetry: some beautiful and some seeming supernatural and spell-like. It canvasses all aspects of marriage through plot, characters and symbolism, touching on both light and dark areas.

Simon Armitage

Many of the poems explore feelings parents and children have for each other, examine "On My First Sonne" and compare it with two other poems, one by Catherine Anne Duffy and one by Simon Armitage Poems that explore feelings parents and children have for each other are On My First Sonne by Ben Johnson 1616, Kid by Simon Armitage, and Before You Were Mine by Carol Anne Duffy. On My First Sonne is a farthers elegy about his dead son. In it he is saying farewell to his beloved son and trying to a way of coping with all his feelings of pain and grief without showing too much emotion, this poem is him trying to find a way to deal with his pain.